I HAVE A TENDENCY TO put too much on my plate when it comes to responsibilities. Which makes me always on the run. Part of being so busy means I’m always eating fast so I can get back to work.
As I studied to become a health coach, I realized that eating too quickly and not taking time to slow down during meals was not good for me. I needed to tune in, relax and enjoy the moment.
I’ve learned in time these three steps to eat more slowly and mindfully.
1: Bring spirit to your meal
To eat more mindfully at the table, invite spirit into your meal. You can do this by setting an intention. Just say, “Thank you, spirit, for eating with me.”
By inviting this invisible force into your presence, you allow it to calm you. It allows an energy greater than you to move through. By inviting spirit to eat with you, you’re never alone.
2: Eat with chopsticks
This might sound funny, but it works! If you want to eat more slowly, eat with a utensil you’re not used to using, like chopsticks. Now, this isn’t something you need to do forever. Just while you’re working on changing your habit to eat more mindful. Have fun with it!
3: Focus on the conversation
Try getting in on the conversation at the table. This will help keep your mind on conversation instead of trying to eat fast. Take small breaks from eating to be in tune with the conversation and enjoy your meal.

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