WHEN LIFE IS GOING GOOD it’s easy to fit in your spiritual practices such as meditating, journaling, etc. But when things get really busy, spiritual practices tend to get put on the back burner. Sometimes it doesn’t even take a lot to throw us off our path.
Here’s the thing: Busy times are the times that we often need our spiritual practices. Staying connected is what keeps us grounded, energized and clear-headed. Keeping up with our practices allows us to handle whatever comes up with grace.
3 Simple Spiritual Practices When Life Gets Busy
Try one or all of these practices to feel good no matter what.
1. Morning meditation
Listening to a mediation (or, just doing your own) from the moment you wake up is the best time to set yourself up for better start to your day. Whatever energy you bring into the morning is the energy you carry throughout the day.
Great spiritual teachers like, Abraham-Hicks teach that when we sleep we release resistance to negative thoughts. So when we wake up we have a clean slate in front of us. This is the time to release the negativity from the day before and begin again.
This is a video that I like to listen to every morning to get into vibrational alignment!
2. Use affirmations
Our job isn’t to force the outcome of what we want. What we need to do is stay faithful to miracles and how the universe brings our outcome to us.
When your life seems busy or hard, try a short affirmation to help you keep in alignment: I place my beliefs in alignment with the experiences I wish to have..
Recite it silently or out loud and you’ll keep the door open to receive. No need to worry about the solution you receive. Instead, just be open to receive whatever is of the highest good.
3. Change your mood with oils
Essential oil of black pepper releases negativity and wards off bad vibes. With your eyes open, take a few whiffs of the oil, set your intention and close your eyes. Then, sit tall and stretch shoulders back and then open your eyes. You should find that your mood
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