It’s my mission to help as many people as I can switch to a cleaner, healthier lifestyle…
But let’s face it: eating healthier is more expensive. Prioritizing your health by choosing real, nourishing food costs more than nutrient-poor, processed foods made using commodities like corn, soy, and sugar.
Knowing this, however, doesn’t make it any less painful when you see the crazy prices on organic healthy food. I understand the cost; well-sourced ingredients come with an expensive price tag. I fear that the more people start wanting to change our diet, the more expensive healthy foods that we used to know to be cheap (bone broth).
So, when I can find a source to get a discount on natural, organic products, I’M THERE! Don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you out in the cold. I’m going to show you how to take 25% to 50% off the retail price of the best natural, organic, GMO-free products that you probably are already buying.
What? I can hear you through the computer screen already…
“Helloooo? Don’t keep me waiting!” you scream.
Okay! Okay! It’s my new favorite way to buy healthy goodies is from this online store-Thrive Market!
Thrive Market offers a wide (and fast growing!) selection of wholesome, healthy foods at wholesale prices. Thrive Market is membership based like a Costco or Sam’s. Their annual membership costs $59.95—less than five bucks a month—in return, you get access to more than 4,000 products that are organic and non-GMO. You can shop using the tabs to find the type of products you want, such as Paleo-friendly, Gluten free, vegan, dairy-free, nut-free, etc.
Thrive also sells non-toxic cleaning supplies, healthy home goods, beauty essentials, baby products, and much more.
Is that cool, or what?
I have been a Thrive Market member for a few months and have placed several orders so far. I’ve been price checking with our local Hyvee and found that I have saved money by ordering through them. Even with the added $5.00 a month. Don’t forget, with not having to spend money on gas, or not risking “impulse buying” that my 10 year old would surely do, it’s well worth the membership.
Can I get a high-five?
What about shipping?
Don’t worry about shipping charges! If you order at least $49, shipping is totally free. Another plus to having goodness shipped to your front door.
As a nutrition nerd and eco-friendly loving nut, I’ve been having fun browsing through their site. It’s like being a kid in a candy store (organic candy, that is-ha!). My latest shopping trip online was spent getting safe and natural household cleaning supplies and beauty products.
Want to know something else about these wonderful people at Thrive Market? It is their mission as well to make real food affordable to everyone. With every paid membership, Thrive donates a free membership to a low-income American family, giving them access to the same steep discounts that paying members get.
Can Thrive get a high-five?
I love Thrive so much that I had to sign up as an affiliate. I never endorse anything I don’t use and love-always remember that!
If you want a chance to test-drive Thrive Market yourself, you can join the first month on a trial basis! You can also tell your friends and family about them and get $10. Sign up just 5 people and it pays for your membership-ooh yeah!
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