Healthy life balance?
Whaaat is that?
Yeah, I know. Been there. Getting healthy can feel overwhelming. You need to change your diet, fitting in exercise and changing habits to improve your life. Wow! It can be hard to figure out what exactly you need to do to and how to get it all done.
Well, enter the health coach (duh). A health coach looks at your life and your personal goals and helps you put it all together to make it work.
A health coach freakin’ rocks!
How do they do it? Health coaches have a wealth of knowledge in healthy eating, stress management and life-balancing tools and techniques. Did you know that now many doctors are even referring patients to health coaches for support?
I repeat, they rock!
Here are some additional things a health coach can do for you:
- Work with you to determine the best foods for your body
- Introduct you to clean eating recipes for you and your family
- Help you to feed your family well, based on your schedule
- uide you on the best exercises for your body
- Educate you on self-care and relaxation
- Show you stress-reducing methods that work for you and your lifestyle
BUT, here are some things a health coach can’t do:
- Treat, diagnose or cure disease
- Write prescriptions
- Give you a magic pill for instant results
As a health coach, I can tell you it’s very rewarding to help others! If you’d rather BE a health coach, check out my story about my journey in becoming a health coach, or take a sample class. If you think you’d be interested to make this change, I can offer you huge discounts!
1. $1000 savings on tuition
2. Invitations to private behind-the-scenes calls
3. Full, lifetime access to the Health Coach Support Community– Once you signup, I will approve you!
To register, call the Admissions team at (877) 780-5455. For international callers it’s +1 (212) 730-5433.
Don’t forget you can even try a sample class for free-try it here.
Remember, you must mention my name and be listed as a referral of Teresa Moody (NOT Tess) to receive these bonuses.
I’m so excited to share this journey with you!
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