Something as simple as putting pen to paper can be profoundly life changing. Connecting the experience of writing to our inner workings has a way of bringing things up and out more effectively than anything else. Journaling has been proven to help heal old wounds and learning more about ourselves.
How To Start A Creative Journal Practice
Start the year out right by adding a journaling protocol as a new year resolution. Here are 5 tips to successfully start journaling this winter:
Remind yourself that nobody is going to read your journal. This was a big block for me. As a writer, my mindset is that someone will always be reading my thoughts. I had to get everyone out of my head. Mom wasn’t reading my deep dark thoughts unless I handed her my journal. You don’t need to be a great writer either. What’s more, letting yourself create without self-judgement is an incredibly freeing experience. Recognize when criticism comes in and then let it go because it’s neither needed nor helpful.
You need to feel comfortable with what you journal with. Decide what size notebook you want. What kind of paper, writing implement (ballpoint, ink or pencil)? You might not think it matters, but by claiming your tools you’re more likely to use them regularly, and when you are consistent, the more benefit you derive from the practice.
Find the best time to write and how much to write. By consistently showing up to write at the same time, you’re establishing a habit. This encourages creativity and brings out a powerful message in your writing.
You can find inspiration anywhere you look. If you are not sure what to write about, grab a book of poetry, flip open to a random page and use that poem as a prompt. This can bring up feelings you didn’t know you had.
No prob! Even just a few minutes is a great way to begin. Invest in a small journal and write for just five minutes a day and do it for four consecutive weeks. Some days you might find yourself writing longer-just keep going with it. Other days, you might only have a list. Don’t beat yourself up! There is no guilt in the journaling world!
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