JOURNALING IS AN IMPORTANT part of my daily spiritual practice. I’ve been journaling almost every day since a little girl (a.k.a. diaries)
If you don’t have journal, or if you struggle to journal, I have some tips to make you love journaling!
Journaling is a beautiful way to tap into your intuition, get inspired, and get into a daily habit of appreciation.
4 Ways To Practice Gratitude Through Journaling
There are lots of journaling tips out there, but I want to help you take your practice to the next level and really love it! These four fun and easy tips will help you attract your greatest desires and amp up your gratitude with your journal.
Meditate first.
Meditating will help guide you into alignment with the Universe before you begin your daily journaling. This can help you with guidance and calm your mind to receive inspiration.
Following the meditation, pick up your journal and free-write. Let your pen flow on the page, allowing whatever needs to come out to come out! Try this for 10-15 minutes.
Write about what you appreciate.
Early in the morning (before you do any other tasks, open your journal. Write three to five pages about what you appreciate most.
Every time you appreciate something, you are telling the Universe: “More, please!” If you are mostly in a state of appreciation, all good things will flow to you.
Let your spirit guides write for you.
Connect with your spirit guides through journaling. Gabby Bernstein loves this writing practice. At the top of the page write, “Thank you, guides of the highest truth and compassion, for writing with me. Thank you for revealing what I need to know.”
Wait for inspiration and let your pen flow through your guides!
Journal before bed instead.
Before going to bed, take an inventory of your day and celebrate your miracles through your journaling. Write down all the wins you had that day — no matter how minor, like making all green lights on the way to work.
Closing Tips:
Journaling is a spiritual and creative practice that will serve you greatly.
Don’t worry about being “perfect” at journaling. The more you journal, the more easily you’ll be able to make journaling a part of your spiritual practice.
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