IT’S GETTING TO THAT time of year when people start thinking about how they are going to look in their shorts, or swimming suits. This starts a crazy spin of crash diets-which never work. Dieters usually end up feeling miserable and shortly after, stop doing it.
If you want to lose weight, or just feel better about what you eat, the key to changing your diet is to change the way you think about food.
Below are 3 spiritual tips for eating right that I’d like to share for you:
1. Decide to do it, then let it go.
If you want to change the way you think about food, then you have to decide this is what you want, then let it go.
I’ve found through my own personal experience there’d be times when I tried to make changes. But if I didn’t want it bad enough, the changes didn’t stick.
It took me seeing an old photo from our Florida vacation to finally be fed up with my bad habit of eating sugar. I decided that it wasn’t worth the weight gain. I changed my attitude towards it and made my peace with it. I decided to finally make the change and then let it go.
You have to get to a point where you’re fed up with the old behavior and be able to look at that old behavior and decide you no longer want to do be on that path. Then, and only then, can you let it go for good.
2. Make a Choice.
Decide that you want to change how you think about food. You have to get to the point where you make the choice and you don’t waver on it. With my choice to cut out sugar and grains, there’s no question of what I’m going to do there. I’ve made the choice and sticking to it.
3. Trust.
This final tip is the most spiritual. Every day say a short prayer, thanking the Universe for helping you stay focused and stick with your commitment. Your relationship to food should bring you joy and make you feel good!
If you aren’t sure what to say, start with your desire and willingness, and then be grateful for the outcome.
When you bring in a spiritual practice for changing your eating habits, you create that long-lasting change!
I have to say that practicing these three tips have helped me stay very consistent with the changes I’ve made. with my diet!

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